Good Friday was a nice day albeit somber. We spent the day bike riding to the McCormick House, playing at home, and doing math facts! Ha! Yes, we did do math that day. Later that night, we watched the Good Friday service and WOW. The emotional roller coaster of the disciples, and the hope that they had supposedly lost. The service captured all the emotions of anger, sadness, despair and confusion. As a family, we prayed after and thanked Him for His sacrifice for us (and FOR ALL WHO BELIEVE!)
Saturday, Tatum and I got ready for Easter. She was my little buddy in the kitchen. We made deviled eggs. (We switched the name to resurrection eggs). We also made healthy hot cross buns (using coconut flour).
Tatum played the buddy role just fine as she was my official “licker of the beater.”
Later, we made the meringues. They were to represent Jesus death and resurrection.
She started with the beating of the pecans to represent the pain he endured for our transgressions.
Then the sour wine (vinegar) He was forced to drink to represent the bitterness of our sins.
Salt to represent the salty tears we cried as he hung on that cross.
We added the egg to represent the new life we hope for.
And of course, the best part: SUGAR as the sweetness of HIs love and what He did for us.
Now we get it all creamy as it peaks.
And put them as mounds on a cookie sheet. (place in a warm 300 degree oven)
We now tape it up (seal the tomb). Will they be hollow in the morning?
We await our Savior! See you in the morning.