It’s Thursday, and we are home from school again. Yesterday she went and had a really hard time. She then was literally up all night long coughing (and so was Daddy and I).
I wanted her to catch up on her rest and try to master the cough episode which can come on at anytime without warning.
Now, Thursdays are very busy day for me, so I made sure she had her own work to do. I would have her do Math, Bible, Reading, and Spelling. Meanwhile, I would work right next to her.

Math facts practice and then time it! Working on getting it to ONE MINUTE!

Then she would practice her Bible verse (Proverbs 15:33). Reading practice for 20 minutes.

Finally Spelling practice and test.

100% and ready to have a bit of play time.

I worked for a couple of hours while she played. We also decided to take Cooper in for a haircut.

This may give us some peace and quiet. (We love you Coopy).
Well, it happened then WHILE she ate lunch. I have never seen her cough so much. She threw up all of her lunch, sweating profusely. She continued for 20 minutes WITHOUT STOPPING> I was desperate. I tried the inhaler, but she continued.
I decided to take her to the URGENT CARE, and I kid you not, sitting RIGHT AT OUR DOORSTEP, was a box. The NEBULIZER! The thing she said she wouldn’t do.
I couldn’t believe the timing. She said, NO WAY, MOMMY. I’m not doing that.
OH yes you are, girl. You are! We watched a YouTube video on how it works and started. She calmed down and agreed.

While she proceeded to breathe, she started to smile. I PRAISED GOD. The Urgent Care had a long wait, and this is what they would have done to her.
GOD KNEW that I needed to keep her home today. GOD KNEW that she was going to have an uncontrollable coughing spell. GOD KNEW that the nebulizer was coming today JUST IN TIME. GOD KNEW that Tatum would have this coughing spell and then would WANT to have the treatment (vs being belligerent had she not have that spell). JUST WOW.
She is breathing now clearly and we now have a protocol. We even named the nebulizer breathing thingy, NATHAN and gave him a seat at our kitchen table since he’ll be a part of our family for a while.
We picked up cute puppy who looks ADORABLE. A brand new haircut and a whole new attitude for all of us thanks to you, Father.

And, I’m just so grateful. Thank you for ALWAYS being with us and answering our prayers at EXACTLY the right time. You are perfect, Lord.
We are not out of the woods yet. The cough continues, but at least we are a step closer to relief.