Our family has been following a show for the past two years. It’s not just any show, but a retell of the Bible with actors and a few “poetic licenses” to add some dramatic effects.
Tatum has been moved by it, but more importantly, she’s resonated with the man who plays Jesus. He is extremely effective as HIM, and He truly adds to the show with awe and wonder. Just like The Ten Commandments and Charlton Heston playing Moses…we see a visual in our minds as we read the OT; hopefully Tatum has some visuals as she relates to the NT.
Well, this year, Season 3 is launched, and they decided to put the first two episodes in theaters. It did not disappoint!
Being about 3 hours long, I wondered if she could sit through it all, but low and behold, she was mesmerized.

The first part of the movie covered the Sermon on the Mount, the introduction to Judas, and the disciples becoming transformed into humbled men (and the women as well). Jesus LOVED ALL people, and He had no distinction in terms of how He treats ANYONE (no matter their sex/color/religion…). He only cared about their dedication in their hearts to being more like Him.
At one point, Matthew returned home to ask for forgiveness from his estranged parents. It was a beautiful scene of humility (on both parts) plus a reunion of new beginnings. His mom commented that Matthew always felt “different….odd,” but she then made him realize that Jesus picked him for a purpose! His “differentness” is now being used to BLESS others and truly make a difference in the world. At that point, I put my hand on Tot’s leg and said…THIS IS YOU, MY DEAR GIRL! I saw this in you when you were born (per her verse Matt 5:16..”Let your Light Shine!”). She always says she feels different/ odd but I always say “EMBRACE THIS and BE YOU!” It was beautiful.
The second part of the movie was about the disciples being assigned to go out and preach. They all stared at Jesus like HOW!? WHAT!? We are NOT equipped! Jesus assured them that they would have all that they need! AND that soon they would have FULL power FULL time (the Holy Spirit), but for now, He is giving them the POWER to heal the sick and perform miracles. They have FEAR and DOUBT (just like we do), but we have not to be anxious for anything (nor fearful) for HE is with us always.

We all walked out of there in silence. (Tatum didn’t want to leave for she wanted to see the next show!)
At dinner, we all shared how much we loved it, and how the Bible truly comes to life as we watch it.
Also, Tatum and I had a lovely talk after the movie that night; she feels so close to God, and she is so passionate about Jesus and filling daily with the Holy Spirit’s power. May we all continue to grow and Christ.
Thank you, Chosen, for inspiring our family.