It rolled down the hill and POOF the bobcat ate it! More on that in a moment.
This morning, Tatum sang at church in the Grace Chapel.
She was filled with smiles, joy, and wisdom.

First, we arrived early so they could practice. They were to sing five songs.

The handbells were such a beautiful addition! The older crowd love having the kids present as they began with a classic:
(For a Thousands Tongues to Sing by Charles Wesley)


Then a mighty strong verse about HIS grace!


It was so fun to see her sing!
Then, it was a Communion morning. She leaned over and whispered to me:
MOMMY, Visualize your SIBO (tummy issues) as a BIG BALL. It’s rolling down the hill. Do you see it? Now, do you see that Bobcat? HE JUST ATE IT! All gone.
Oh, your wisdom, Tatum. You rock my world. Thank you Jesus.