She blesses our socks off! Tatum gave Doug and I a concert on Friday night since we missed the King and Country concert. See an earlier blog as to why. She also would sing and read Romans 15:13 at SBC on Sunday! BLESSED!
She started out with a recording of her welcoming us and telling us to enjoy our hot cocoa as we get seated.

Then she came out singing Jingle Bells!

Then a bit of ‘wrapping at Christmas!

The fun just kept coming with a dance.

She then sang with the Chapel at SBC!

Oh…and the best part? She read from Romans 15:13. Not a coincidence!! This is my favorite verse about hope and joy. WOW!

OH THE JOY! Yes, Joy is the longing BUILT on hope. SO, do I still have HOPE? Yes, because He lives inside of me and fills me. Therefore, I must know that He won’t let me down; even if it’s not in MY time.
My honey gave her a card. He IS SO TO US.

We enjoyed decorating the tree…of course HOT COCOA as Tatum would want.