I had it all planned out; It was to be a “Rock it” into 2nd grade. She’ll be returning to school tomorrow LIVE! (masked of course).
The unveiling would take place during our brunch at 11am on Sunday.

Mom would also come over and join us. Tatum got ready with her new little bundle.

And we prepared the Rock it Rocket. You’ll notice what matters to us more her character growing more like Christ than her academics. Yes, they matter too, but if the foundation is set in HIM, the rest will follow.

Right Coopy?

Mama showed up and of course we had to snap some pics. Look at that handsome family.

We love you!!! Look how adorable MAMA is!

Ok, brunch is ready and the unveiling occurs! YOU WILL ROCK 2nd GRADE!

I will use this little board to send a message daily.
After enjoying the yummy food, we celebrated Tot with a few presents and cards.
There is no one like you! YOU BE YOU!

Mama got her a cute little swimsuit for her to sport in the pool.

I wanted her to have Coopy with her all day, so why not on her ears?

The beauty of Tatum is that she knew the brunch was for her, but she made us all a card with a love note inside.
I LOVE her heart.
Tatum, you are off tomorrow! More to come later. WE LOVE YOU!!