That is a healthy smile!

This morning at 7am, Tot had her dentist appointment. I like going before school so we don’t use up our afternoons since I get so little time with her now!

The dentist, Dr. Vee, informed us that her teeth are growing in a size proportionate to her! That is so important because all we need is for her teeth to be NOT Tot sized!

Then, she looked at her back teeth where those nasty little sugar bugs like to make cavities. They look perfectly clean! She asked us if we floss because she could tell her teeth looked healthy. Of course we do! Nightly!

Dr. Vee told us she has seen more cavities than usual with these kiddos. Seeing Tatum’s  healthy teeth made her proud of her. She mentioned the importance of drinking water RIGHT AFTER you eat to rinse out your mouth. It was confirmation for Tot to hear this since I harp on this ALL THE TIME.
It pays off, Tot! Your mommy doesn’t have any cavities either! Let’s keep it going, girl!

Tatum got to put her name on the wall for a cavity free mouth.

They’ll do a drawing at the end of the month for a prize. I just love her dentist!