It was a miracle. Truly. The whole week of November 20th, I was not doing well. Nope. My body was not moving and my mojo was dead. I was so nervous about pulling off Thanksgiving with Austin and my mom. BUT, Alas. I woke up feeling like a human, and YES! I could make the sides, and my honey could smoke our lovely little turkey.
Tatum made my day with a little picture to say I LOVE YOU.

Then, off to the kitchen to get my groove on. Mashed cauliflower, Roasted maple carrots, green beans, and some salad. It would be delightful with daddy’s winning smokey masterpiece.
I had Tatum work on the table decorations. She made each place setting, and made it look welcoming.

She also got all perty in her new Old Navy warm up suit. Oh, my…she is beautiful! (Photo bomb by Coopy)

Mama and Austin came over early, and they intensely…(srsly!) played the game of SORRY. Again, maybe sorry we played this?

Let’s lighten it up with a few pics, k?
Oh, look at that…my lil QTpie.

And who is the other star of the day? THIS HHH! Look at his masterpieces? Still SMOKIN and LOOKS DELISH!

We are a great team, honey!

We had no problem eating this…
Oh, look at my family for whom I’m so very grateful.

A success because we not only enjoyed the meal, but we enjoyed just being together. Simple and fun. I’m so blessed to have this family. It may be small, but it is MIGHTY!
God is good all the time; all the time, God is good.