I came upon this website: notconsumed.com, and I fell in love with the MOM who created all of these products. She is a homeschooling mom who has created Bible studies and tools for families and young minds to get into the Word and grow in Christ.
So, I bought.
We got the first batch:

Tatum and I would start our new habits. She will be having a devotion/ quiet time on her own, but for the first week, we’d do it together to get into the habit.
She has her cards set up at her desk

We start with the acronym, GROWS. She had a formula on how to start the QT:
Greet God
Read and Respond (we are doing a Bible study on HABITS and Developing a QT)….so we are digging into the Word.

Open Hearted Prayer: Let’s pray with the ACTS formula now: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication).
Worship: We skipped this…but just sing a bit or listen to a song.
Scripture Memory: We are memorizing Luke 6:27-31
It is so much fun to do this with her and empower her to grow in her relationship with God.
She truly is GROWING! Love this.

With Llama!

I love you, Tatum. Investing in time with God is the best use of your time.