Teaching Amarillo and Coopy culminating in celebration on the wall!

I LOVE watching Tatum PLAY! At almost 11, she still uses her imagination on FULL TILT with her love of teaching and drawing.

She spent a couple of hours doing a read aloud to Coopy and Rio the other day; it was a joy to watch her be so animated and creative. Little Coopy kept looking at me.

Seriously, Mom? Do I have to listen to this?

Coopy, it’s good for you to F.O.C.U.S (since he is all about the squirrel moments. Literally).

Rio watched attentively. He knows his mommy is in charge!

Take it away, TOT!

She’s going to be an amazing teacher some day, or whatever she chooses to do, she’ll be truly a leader.

Later, she FOCUSED on drawing her new little feathered friend. WOW!

I immediately had it made into a portrait for her wall. You WOW me, kiddo!