One thing I have discovered about Tatum. She has STRONG EMOTIONS and she often does not know how to control them. If she experiences anger, she acts out sometimes inappropriately. If she experiences frustration, she may act out in a way that could have been more controlled. If she has a disappointment, well, she may run into her room and want to hide. If she has messed up, TOT FEELS IT> her guilt and shame cause her to want to fix it IMMEDIATELY. It’s one of her best qualities, but what we are trying to teach her is that the feeling isn’t bad; it’s what you do with it. Let’s work on that.
She has come a long way in 6 months, but she still has a bit of a way to go with self-control. Some adults have never learned this, so we want her to experience the negative with US and not in the outside world. It’s a blessing.
Usually, if it’s quiet in her bedroom, she is creating something. A card; a poster (like a reminder); a book.
For Daddy, she created some cards just to let him know she loves him so.
She depicts her heart in pictures.
She recently made me a book to tell me how much she loves doing things together.
Daddy and I literally have a stack of cards and notes with I’m sorry and I love you. On the iPad the other day, she made this and sent it to my messages. (she did the same for Daddy).

Tot, I love your heart. David was a man after God’s own heart. “A broken and contrite heart you do not despise.” Ps 51:17. You have this same response. May you continue to feel strongly and react rightly. I love you.