Six years ago, Tatum became my daughter officially! It is always a special day. To celebrate, I made her a strawberry smoothie; the secret ingredient is love.

I think she likes it!
Well, today, is our pickup day for COOPER!!! Besides Tot and Daddy, the best present of them all.
We bought a portable crate for the car.
We showed up at 1, and he was ready to go.

Liliana gave us all of his papers. His pedigree is quite impressive. Emma’s (his mom) grandfather was an award-winning Coton in the world!
Flash Dancer! I think Cooper’s sparkling personality comes from him.

He’s ready to come home; car ride home.
He seems pretty comfortable here!
He did whine a bit when we would leave the room. But he seemed to really warm up to us.

When is Daddy going to get home?

It’s true love. He bonded with Coop immediately!
We tried to get him to eat, but it was no good. He just had no appetite.

We just cuddled with him for a while before we gave Tatum her Love GIFT.
I gave her a card telling her how much I love her and how God has amazing plans for her life! Her light SHINES!

She got a new watch because she had spent her hard earned allowance on a watch that did not work. So Daddy bought her a nice one.

I just can’t get enough of the little guy. Between Tatum, Daddy, and Cooper, there is a lot of love going on!

Just love this little guy! Tatum was pretty focused on the watch for a few while I cuddled.

We tried feeding him some treats and he played with them more than eat them.

It was getting time for bed so we tried out the crate.

It was getting time to put him down, and we prayed he’d sleep through the night. He probably would miss his puppy family, but soon he’ll adapt.
He peed on his grass pad right before putting him down! No problem!!!

I love you sweet boy. I love you Tatum!!! I love you Daddy. Lots of love.
How did he do? Find out tomorrow.