I had her do one!! She watched many to inspire her, and she came upon a perfect topic. WHY HOMESCHOOL!
I reminded her that she wants to remember her AUDIENCE! She must be persuasive and focused!
Here she goes! Presented to Daddy and me. It was nearly perfect.

I would wake up, take a shower, eat breakfast, and go to school. This was my life!! No wonder I was always tired. My school days sucked. I would get bullied, have a hard time learning due to my learning style, not have time for my interests, and not pursuing my dreams.
I’m here today to share with you why all kids should be homeschooled.
Has your child ever come home crying because they got bullied at school?
Well, getting bullied at school can cause your child to have depression and anxiety which can lead to loss of sleep, and that can affect how they learn at school. Another thing caused from bullying is violence which leads to trauma which can then lead to feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and a reduced quality of life and all of this can create a toxic and unsafe community at school.
Picture this: I get into my mom’s car at pick up and she asks me how was my day. Immediately I would lash out at her, and she had no idea why; we both didn’t understand why, but after we got the root of the issue which was my reaction to all of the bullying.
Learning styles
Schools break all kids into one category. Some kids thrive ,others do not. I for one did not thrive sitting in a desk for eight hours, having so much work, I didn’t have time for me, and 20 minute recesses.
American educational theorist, David A. Kolb broke the Learning styles into accommodating, converging, diverging,and assimilating.According to him accommodator’s are the “hands-on”types and are keen to learn from real life experiences. Convergers want to have abstract ideas, but end up with concrete results. Divergers tend to use personal experiences and practical ideas to formulate theories. And assimulaters , according to David Kolb ,were most comfortable working with abstract ideas. All these learning styles are not highlighted in school, therefore making it hard for kids to understand and comprehend it all.
Swish! The ball goes in the hoop. Then you remember that you have four pages of homework to do.
School can get in the way of your kids interests. Whether you played a tough baseball game or guitar practice went ran later than you expected, nobody wants to do homework late at night. Doing homework late at night causes you to have less sleep which can lead to a negative impact on mental health and reduced focus in school. if your kids love soccer I have a whole sheet of math, that could lead to dropping out of soccer which can lead to not getting enough exercise.
Pursuing dreams
A boy could want to be a famous baseball player, and a girl could want to go into the Olympics for swimming, but school can get in the way of both. If you think about it homework can destroy a child’s dream.
Let’s make up a boy named Baxter. Baxter really wants to be a famous baseball player, but after practice, he doesn’t wanna do homework, and before he hast to eat and get prepared. Baxter’s mom and dad homeschool him. Two years later, he finds himself playing Little League. And you see since he was homeschooled had time for practice and games that didn’t affect family time. And before he knew it, he was good enough for Little League.
And that is why your kids should be homeschooled, no more bullying, you can highlight their learning styles, they can do their interests,and they can pursue their dreams.
Thank you.
She did the WHOLE POWERPOINT on her own!

She was poised, confident and convincing!!