Now, when I first saw this, I did a happy dance. We have almost every book in this list and own these author’s sets too. So hooray!
We decided to just pull out a bunch of choices, and then we would decide on which she would do.

Corduroy was one.

Yes, she made her own ending for each book. Baby became Corduroy and Tatum became Lisa.
Then she read I Lost my Tooth by Mo Willems.
Tatum found the missing tooth.

And finally, she read We are in a Book by Mo Willems. I woke up to her getting it all ready for later.

New ending: A little snake wants to play in the book now.

Wow! She finished it all. I’m so proud of her hard work.

Love the art and the running rainbow theme. (OH, there is Coopy; he was a big help too)
Here’s my cover and the whole book; Cooper wants to see!