Mrs. Samantha Phillips is her new teacher. She likes to call them her campers!
It was a bittersweet morning. The sweet? She’s going into a wonderful class with her friends. (most of them are returning except Charlotte (SAD FACE)). Mrs. Phillips teaches with a huge heart for Jesus and a tough fist. Cursive is part of the plan this year, and Math will be even more challenging! She stresses grammar and strong reading skills. I’m super pumped about her.
The bitter? I’ll miss the girl. Oh, will I miss her! We have been together for 5 months straight!
My honey left her a cute note on her mirror last night (she ran in my room this morning to show me and to respond with a note for cute), and I had one waiting on her board.

I made her a strawberry muffin with blueberry yogurt. Yummmers!

We are ready! We went through the whole checklist. Water bottle especially since it’s 116 today! YIKES!
(She wants me to change her kiddo while she’s at school, so she’s bringing her in the car).

Time for the Coopy-hug.

Ok, Tot, we have to go! One more!

Oh, let’s just bring him.

We got there right on time for the line up. Six feet apart, they spaced out.

Here they go. (The masks will be given when they get inside). I’ll miss you sweetheart. See you soon!

When she got home, she had a note waiting for her on the chalkboard,

and we talked about her teacher, friends, class, and how it was wearing the mask.
She pulled out her assignment for the evening besides her 20 minutes of reading.

We had fun going through pics and filling the bag.

Then, the evening…oh, how fun. We surprised her with a card
and a CHOCOLATE MORSEL OF LOVE topped with enormous sweet blessings.

I think Coopy thinks it’s for him.

We love you sweet girl!!!

May you feel HIS presence with you all the time, and may you make it your best year yet.