Last week, we had a follow up with the endocrinologist upon her having her bone exam and blood test.
Dr. Sandstrom recommended she go through growth hormone treatment because her height is shown to be only 4’9″. If she has this particular treatment, she will add 3″. So, we are going to go through the preliminary testing to see if she qualifies. This means a five hour stint of IV’s and blood draws. (FASTING that is!)
We got it scheduled the Friday before school starts since it requires early morning and a whole 1/2 day. The day is here now.
We arrived at 7:45am for the 8am appt and waited a bit. Good thing Paw Patrol was playing!

She was quite nervous, but we had been preparing for the past couple days with much PRAYER> Joshua 1:9, to be exact: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Yes, Tot HE IS WITH YOU! Oh, and I’ll be right there too.. (I’m holding you tightly!)

They got her height and weight.
And then we met Kat, her nurse for the day.
She gave me a rundown of the day and the tests performed.

Then they hooked the first IV up. A little poke and then the straw goes in. Courtney came in to bring her an iPad and get her distracted. It worked (the first time!)

We are on our way. ( I think). Daddy texted us a lovely video wishing her well. My friends also texted some prayers. We read a few books, played on iPad, made a necklace. They made her a nice card. All going swimmingly the first two hours.

UNTIL…. the arginine injection was when it got a bit messy. The IV started to hurt, and the blood showed clotting. She had to remove the IV and re-insert. This occurred for about an hour poking in various places. We had to redo a few of the tests also. At one point, she felt nauseous and they wanted to give her some Zofran. It hurt too bad, and Tatum said she’d rather feel nauseous; she even threw up. We had two hours left after 1:00. We were supposed to be finish by 1, but it went slower than we had anticipated. All of us were quite hangry!
BUT, my little trooper, she pushed through for the last two tests.

Kat and Courtney were so impressed with her bravery and her kindness, they let her pick two gifts from the prize closet. TWO! She got two babies because she loves being a mommy.

On the way home she had Chik-fil-a, and she said, “I’m in heaven!”

She wanted to thank Kat and Courtney, so she made them a card. I will send it off on Monday.

In one week, we will find out about the results of the test. If she fails it, insurance covers it. For the first time I am hoping for a failing test! (not sure if I understand it all quite yet). I am just grateful for the opportunity. She learned so much today from this. She gained courage, compassion, and gratitude. So proud of you, sweet girl.