Tatum’s Birthday Part II: Gifted

They await…the gifts. (at least the ones from the party). The ones for her REAL birthday don’t come for another four days. And as I mentioned in my last post, I’m not chomping at the bit to see my little girl turn BIG four. But, alas….

So we begin.

Coti waits patiently as we don’t pay any attention to him.


I am taking notes as she is powering through the “oh my goodness, mommy! look!!!”
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Did you say Peppa Pig? Yes, this is a real character and she (the pig) has a plane apparently.


Well, this pig has to fly, and so does her little brother George. What a hit this was!

Can’t forget all the great books she got..

20161118_183232_resizedNow the big problem? Baby and Paddington bear (remember where they were left!!??)  were not to join this party time. They’d have to meet us up in the morning when I dropped by Jennie’s house for the “pickup.” How is she going to get through this night!!???? (The back up baby, Baby 2 (the OTHER baby), just doesn’t cut it like before)


So, we made it to Jennie’s house the next morning? Aahhhhhh. Reunited, and it feels so good (as the song says!)


The rest of the next day was filled with checking out the new toys and sending thank you’s to all the guests.

Cafe/Kitchen (I had to build this doozy), but no batteries needed (for once)

A build a flower thing-a-ma-jig.

A new baby…really the carrier made this thing a hit.

More Peppa fly time…

And…all of this knowing in the back of my mind that Tuesday, the approaching BIG FOUR day, will be filled with her wonderful new gift. Wait and see what it will be. I’ll give you a hint: It rhymes with Ball and Mouse. Now put the two words together. VOILA! See Part III!

(Oh, before I end this post, Doug, again, was nowhere to be seen because he was behind the camera, so I got a bonus pic of him with Tot today after church. It was the Cardinal play day, so we thought we’d send them some winning vibes) Love you, Doug!

IMG_4765Part III coming up!