Tuesday morning, I left early to go to the gym; I wanted to get home quickly so I could pick up Tot and take her on some errands. Little did I know she was busy working on something. I ended up going to IKEA without her so she could finish her little project.
She loves to draw when she is idle. We have been reading Dogman books again since we are BIG fans (and they make us crack up!). So she worked on drawing Petey and a monster, and then she wanted to write a song. Instead of using a separate paper, she figured she write directly on the picture.
Well, fast forward into the afternoon (when I discovered what she had been doing). Honestly, I was a bit of a grouch all day because I felt behind on my tasks and as a result, I felt like I had not filled my bucket with any type of relationship with Doug or Tot. EMPTY. I also had not spent any time with the Lord that day.
When Doug and I were in our separate areas working, she felt is was time. It was time to unveil her song. NOW!? I have STUFF to do. Sheesh. (shame on me) Tatum could read that I needed a boost. She called Daddy and I into the living room, grabbed her guitar and had us read the lyrics as she sang. (She had ALREADY memorized it).
Tearing up, I realized I have a girl who can read people. She can tell when we need to stop and be. Stop and Be with Jesus.

I’m going to type up these lyrics. They go from left to right and onto the back.

Tatum Hay, you fill my heart with Joy. Let’s have a celebration, yes, let’s have a party celebration. Lord, thank you for this angel.