Taking a break

OK, I admit…one of the hardest parts of this injury is not being able to work out. I used to love to swim or take a walk, and now, that is out of the question. I can still lift weights if it’s upper body, but not anything else. On the other hand, perhaps this is what I need.

I got this from MYFITNESSHUT:
So, how much is enough exercise? Here are some general guidelines:

1. Do not work out every day. Take at least one day off each week. Three days of strength training (45 minutes to 1 hour each session) and 3 days of interval cardio exercise (20 minutes each session) is enough.

2. If your joints begin to hurt when you exercise, something is wrong! You are either injured or you just need to take a few days off. You will come back stronger after a little rest.

3. The more intense the exercise, the more rest your body needs to recover. For example, speed exercises and plyometrics (jump training) should be done 2 days a week at the most.

4. Change up your exercise routine (weekly) to avoid repetitive stress injuries.

5. “No pain, no gain” is NOT a good exercise philosophy! If you have sharp pain in your muscles, tendons, ligaments or joints, something is wrong! Get medical help.

So having a tear in my Achilles still confuses me since I don’t “stress” this muscle in what I do. But I still feel this was a sign that I was overdoing. Therefore, now, I am trying to not worry and enjoy the break. It would not hurt if I even put on a few pounds.



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