Transformation of the soul is what we’re all after
o    God intends it for ALL of us
o    involves the whole person
o    Involves self denial (Matt 16)
o    Must have a desire to change and be open to it
o    Need plenty of courage
o    Need a community to surround you

We must get to know God
“What comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about you.” Tozier

What is Christian Spirituality ?

1.    Set of beliefs: doctrine/creed
2.    Leads to set of values (emotion)
3.    Leads to way of life (behavior)
A Christian life is the ultimate result

We must have “Apprehension”
o    To deepen our relationship with God, we must deepen our knowledge of God and His attributes.
o    Relational intimacy presupposes intimate knowledge.
o    Spiritual victory over sin is always related to our knowledge of GOD

o    The degree that we understand God will determine how we appreciate God. We must have LOVE and AWE
o    (Eph 1:3-14)
o    (Heb 12:28-29)
o    (1 Pet 1:17)

Then “Approaching GOD”
(We must do this and it’s up to us)
o    We have a promise of a personal relationship
o    We have a promise of the savior
o    There are different paths (Spiritual disciplines)
o    We must abide (John 15= crux)

o    Therefore w/o knowledge of self, there is now awareness of Go


What is the purpose of Soul Care? (Gal 4:19)
o    process of being conformed to the image by the HS for the sake of others. Heaven is not the goal but the destination. Christ formed in you is the goal (Gal 4:19)

What is our part?
o    Our cooperation through the spiritual disciplines
o    Phil 1:6 (will complete work in us)
o    Phil 2:12 (we must be active)
o    1 Tim 4:7-8 train self (gumnazo = gym): Train like Jesus..don’t try, train.

What is the goal of soul care?
•    First, understand what the soul is:
What is the meaning of “soul?” (nepesh)
o    Assertion of “wholeness” or totality of being human
o    Nephesh is a metaphor for the neck which connects the head (intelligence); it holds us together. Without soul we are a jumble of disconnected parts
o    Genesis 2: if God’s breath was gone, human beings are gone (P.

•    We must form Christ in us; not to just “feel better”

Jesus says:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me.
Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life
I’ll show you how to take a real rest
Walk with Me and work with me-watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

2 core elements
♣    encountering self
♣    encountering God

Understand Self
♣identity formation

“Be self aware not self absorbed”
Being vs. Doiing:

Key to start being “spiritual”: Now view your identity from a biblical sense

Our most life changing choice is to begin to live out of the reality of our new ID in Christ (remember our goal is to be conformed into the image of Christ)
Here are the order of events: 
We are:

♣understand personality/ temperment

♣One cannot be fruitful if he/she neglects the source.

Role of scripture KEY
Self examination KEY

But need:

Spiritual Friendships
Centering prayer

Make sure you are staying balanced in these four areas. I need to stay reminded of this   constantly! God Bless You

The Green Electric Box

The Green Electric Box


“Yes, Shelley, you are president again.” It was going to be Kelly, Annabel, or Shelley, but not me. No, I was not to be president, as I did not want to speak up. What if they did not like me? I knew I was special in that I did not want to be like everyone else, but I also knew I wanted to be liked, even at this age of 7. I always felt like I was in observation mode, stepping outside myself to examine others around me. I never really felt a part of any “group.” Being the square peg, I never seemed to fit into the round hole which everyone seemed to be a part. I could not put my finger on it, but I knew I was different in some way. I was more sensitive and affected by everything around me. The introspection I would face daily, would drive me crazy. However, little did I know that God was preparing me to be a leader and a teacher. One thing I did discover, nevertheless, is that every child has these deep insecurities, but they are covered up by bullying, snickering, gossiping, or extreme shyness.


This club that we had formed took place on a small green electric box in the town homes for which we lived. It was just the right size to fit 4 tiny bodies, sitting Indian style. Shelley would call the meeting to order and we would discuss the latest issue of “Tiger Beat.” Sean Cassidy was the heartthrob, but I had my eye on Andy Gibb. This was a never-ending controversy, but I did not want to have the same crush as everyone else. We would decide what fan club we were going to support. We finally agreed that Leif Erickson was a superior choice. Again, I did not concur, but I felt it would be fun to be a part of the “club.” This became our daily routine until we got bored with that and decided to play “Charlie’s Angels.”


Now, the most sought after “Angel” was Kelly (played by Farrah Fawcett).  Unfortunately, the loser had to be stuck being “Sabrina” played by Kate Jackson. Again, it was rare that I got to be Kelly, but the fantastic thing was that I was small, so I did not usually get stuck with Kate’s role. I just remember how cool we thought we were. This game would usually, in turn, create animosity between Shelley and Annabel. They were always fighting. I typically would try to assist in them making amends and I knew I did not want to anger friends. I always wanted to keep things peaceful. I found early on that it is impossible to please everyone and keep the peace. Conflict management was applied in my life which soon came natural since my home life was filled with chaos and conflict.


To this day, I still strive to keep the peace. I don’t have the same desires to be in the “club.”  Of course, I want to be liked and be “popular.” However, the standards I follow now are God’s standards which are not always what the masses believe. I have found that having good character is a pathway to happiness and peace of mind. As Ray Magdalene says, “Like ripples in a pond, your character radiates outward and touches the hearts of people within your sphere of influence.” What I do to live a godly life and how much I love others will determine not only my happiness, but will permeate the lives around me and create a better world. I pray I can live with this type of grace for others and for myself. The green electric box still stands today and is a constant reminder of my newfound strength, hope, and encouragement to self-inflicted “square pegs” around the world.




Can you pass the SOUL EXAM?

Everyone loves to pass tests. But what’s the secret?


My life verse is Roman 8:28: “In all things, God works for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”

This verse is thrown around like a loose scarf and many seem to forget the last half.

My dear friend, Pastor Bobby Brewer, spoke on this topic on Sunday, July 29th , and I thought I would reflect on some of his comments.


Have you ever been tested? I mean really tested to where you really thought this was a big joke and maybe there was a hidden camera to see if you were going to fall on your face? I go through them daily. Now, it’s important to realize that temptations are not from God, but are enticements used by Satan to disobey God. Temptations come daily, too, but those are put in our way to get us off track.

Tests, on the other hand, are circumstances that God allows into our lives to see if we are capable of moving from one level of spirituality to the next….or to reveal our maturity! They also are designed to show our true character.

Hmmm…if that is true, I can think of daily interactions which put me to the test.


Have you ever been in a casual conversation and all of a sudden the person to whom you are speaking starts to gossip or say something which is hurtful about something or someone? What do I do? Well, that is the “test.”

What about when I get a bill in the mail which I did not expect? Do I curse the situation and freak out? Do I call and yell at the company? How do I handle to conflict?

What about if at work, I do not get any credit for all the hard work I do and my partner, who did not do much, gets all the accolades? Or I get blamed for something which is not my fault? Do I seek revenge? Or do I understand that God is in control and this could be a test of my character.


This is where the rubber meets the road.


The verse which I live by, has some definite “fine print.” Does that part ever get discussed? Yes, all things do work out and are for His good (and ultimately for mine), HOWEVER, not if I don’t LOVE God. Well, heck, one can say, I love God! But, are you obeying Him!? John 14: 15 says if you love God, you’ll KEEP His commandments. I know one of his commandments is to love thy neighbor as thyself. It’s not to loving to gossip or to talk negatively to or about someone. I’m not LOVING God then, am I?

I need to treat people the way Jesus would (Mat 25:40)


So, in order to pass the test which come our way and truly trust in this verse, there are four keys, which Bobby so eloquently discussed.

The way I see it is that the moment I open my eyes in the  morning, I am under this exam. So let’s say I get to school and a student is rude to me. First, I need to see it from God’s perspective. How would He handle this and how can I glorify Him through this test and with other kids who don’t act becomingly.


  1. I need to acknowledge that God has interest in me and how I can use this for His glory. The day He’s laid out for me is for my best interest and how I react to rough situations is the test!
  2. Next, when I can’t trust His head, I need to trust His heart. I am reminded of Paul returning to Jerusalem in Acts 20: 22. He had no idea what he was about to enter, but He knew God had His back. Do I trust this when I enter the mission field every day in this neighborhood? Do I throw caution to the wind and trust His best? I might not “get it” at the moment, but God does. Trust… in the test…..


  1. Asking for help is hard when we’ve been programmed to be so “STRONG!.” I remember how Paul was given a thorn in the flesh, not to bug him, but to rely on GOD!! Maybe these tests are put in our way so we’ll throw up our hands and say, “HELP!” John 14: 6 tells us that HE sent us ANOTHER counselor! I don’t need me to counsel me, or the “phone call,” but the THRONE! THE HOLY SPIRIT! The PARAKLEET.


  1. Finally, I cannot quit. Perseverance leads to character development. “Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what is promised.” (Hebrews 10:35-56). It ain’t easy! But it’s simple with Him with me. Shoot, it’s hard in the mine field daily! It’s hard to trust that all these tests are for His glory and for my spiritual maturity, but it’s true…like it or lump it!


What a glorious gift, these tribulations. Is that your attitude? All things do work together. That word is “WORK,” not hang around and play. Work means the work of my salvation is being pursued daily, by Him. If I have this heart and mind attitude, I can take anything. “Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ…NOTHING. “ (Romans 8: 35)



Thoughts on Psalm 1

                                    PSALM 1


  1. 1.     Blessed is the man

who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked

or stand in the way of sinners

or sit in the seat of mockers.

  1. 2.     But his delight is in the law of the Lord,

 and on his law he meditates day and night.

  1. 3.     He is like a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither.

Whatever he does prospers.


  1. 4.     Not so the wicked!

They are like chaff

that the wind blows away.

  1. 5.     Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgement,

nor sinners in the assembly of the righteousness.


  1. 6.     For the Lord watches over the way of the righteousness,

but the way of the wicked will perish.



I.               Introduction


Psalm I is an introduction to the rest of the Psalms. It has a general and basic subject matter as two subjects are touched upon. “Certainly it stands here as a faithful doorkeeper, confronting those who would be in the congregation of the righteous.”[1] The righteous shall receive blessings while the wicked shall receive misery.

It is a wisdom psalm and reminds the reader of the Book of Proverbs. Historically, the psalm was probably not for formal usage. It is more of a reflective type of poem. “It must be viewed as a literary and poetic composition, expressing with remarkable clarity the polarity of persons and their destinies.”[2] It may have been combined with Psalm 2 at one time and the overall impression is that it represents a latter stage of Old Testament religion. In this regard, it must have been written after the exile.

The structure of the Psalm is of two parts. Part one, which is verses 1-3, discusses the enticement of the godly life, while verses 4-6 depict the worthlessness and ultimate despair of a godless person and his choices.


II.             Exegesis


Verse 1 Analysis

“Blessed is the man..”

First, as one looks at the word “blessed”, it is noted that it is plural in Hebrew and literally means “Oh, the blessedness.” The Hebrew word for blessing is a^shr. One can paraphrase to mean, “Oh how happy is the one..” The description of the happy man is not addressed to only males. “Woman and children are included because, in the Israelite views, part of man’s true happiness is his family-a good wife and many children-and so his blessings are shared by the whole family.”[3]

This has been known to be beatitude because it promises blessings to those who live with faith and a relationship with God. The man who is blessed must avoid certain things. The description of the happy man in verse 1 includes 3 phrases and progress to an acme: 1. Three degrees of conduct (walk, stand, sit), 2. Three degrees of involvement (counsel, path, seat), and 3. Three degrees of evilness (wicked, sinners, scoffers). “On the other hand, the three clauses form a synonymous parallelism, and therefore the corresponding terms merely repeat the same thought in different words without any intentional grading of the godless and their actions.”[4]

“who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked”

“Counsel” in Hebrew  is u@s>h which means, “purpose or way of thinking.” The mental attitude that one has determines decisions that one makes. “Wicked” in Hebrew is r`sh`u which means to be loose or unstable. One who is wicked is controlled by his own desires and emotions rather than by those of God’s Word. The psalter describes the wicked here as the foes of God and the enemies of his people.

“nor stand in the path of sinners”


“Stand” in Hebrew means to stop and be firm. It refers to the development of habits and patterns. Being in the path makes one think that one is on a journey or direction to somewhere. “Sinners” miss the mark and deviate from what is true. Standing with sinners means that one shares their way of life. We are all sinners. However, the psalter is referring to deliberate sinners who have chosen this particular way of life.

            “nor sit in the seat of mockers.”

“To sit in the seat of the scoffers amounts to making light of God’s law which ought to be one’s delight; it also means identifying oneself with the thinking and planning of the godless.”[5] Sitting among these folk provides negative association and the person in turn becomes like his associates. “Scoffers” are mockers and ridiculers. They put down the things of God and his word. Scoffers are the most scandalous of sinners thus the farthest from repentance. The happiness of a man is not automatic, however. It is a direct consequence of his activities. “The righteous person avoids all the dimensions of the way of the wicked; therein lies the source of blessedness or happiness.”[6] This section leads to what the righteous shall do which is covered in verse 2.

Verse 1 Summary

In order to experience blessedness, one must avoid the wickeds’ advice,

sinners’ habits, and association with mockers.

Verse 2 Analysis

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord…”

The 3 negatives of verse 1 clear the way for what is valuable. The emphasis is on the “law of the Lord.” The study of God’s Word is to be the key purpose of one’s life in which one receives delight and gives thoughtful attention. “In the law of the Lord,” referring to the Torah, means instruction of which God gives mankind as a life guide. This law stands directly opposed to the ‘counsel of the wicked’ which implies that whatever one studies or thinks about, will frame his life. “This ‘law’, far from being a burden or an unbearable yoke, is the ‘delight’ of the godly man. Perhaps we should render ‘his delight..’ as ‘his concern ( or ‘preoccupation’) is with the law of the Lord’; this might give a slight better parallel to the following line.”[7]

“and on his law he meditates day and night.”

This leads to why the author talks of meditating day and night. “Meditates” literally means “to moan, speak, plan..” In this sense it could mean to study and apply to one’s life. “So this ‘meditation’ not merely an intellectual exercise but, above all, it is a study of the will of God for the purpose of doing it.”[8] Day and night is an idiom which means constantly and regularly. To be blessed and righteous, one must constantly study the Torah.

Verse 2 Summary

The blessed man delights himself in constant regular meditation of God’s Word.

Verse 3 Analysis

“He is like a tree..”

A tree is a simile for man. A tree may fade or die depending on it’s locale and it’s irrigation. As one pictures a watered, healthy tree, one sees 3 things: 1. A tree has deep roots and is sturdy (stability), 2. Substantial growth takes time, and 3. A tree bears fruit and shade.

“planted by streams of water..”

“Planted” actually means “transplanted” which means taking plants out of their environment and planting in another aiding growth, production, and stability. “This may imply that the happiness of the godly man is entirely due to God’s action”[9] The righteous man will be transformed from a barren condition to producing fruit from a rich root. Another theological point must be made about the tree and the stream of water. A person will be like this tree if he is constantly in the word (verse 2). The Word of God is constantly flowing and is never ending. We, too, will endure if we get watered by this stream daily and continually. “The state of blessedness or happiness is not a reward; rather, it is the result of a particular type of life. Just as a tree with a constant water supply naturally flourishes, so too the person who avoids evil and delights in Torah naturally prospers.”[10] It is the believer’s responsibility to respond to God’s provision (Torah) and plant himself regularly in the seat where he can receive water (life).

which yields its fruit in season…”

First root, then the fruit. The fruit is the blessings. The order here is important because if one roots himself in the Word (like the watered tree), he will bear fruit. “The phrase its fruit in its season emphasizes both the distinctiveness and the quiet growth of the product.”[11] The fruit is proof of the root where one is dwelling in truth and not error. “In season” means at the proper time or when opportunity knocks and without fail.

and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. ”

A picture of vitality is seen from this verse. A plant by water endures.  “The point of the metaphor is to stress the fruitfulness and vitality of life of the godly man, as well as its stability, rather than to provide a symbol of immortality.”[12]. The idea of the prosperity of man is somewhat of a summary statement for the first half of the psalm.  The life of the righteous man will in effect produce prosperity. Not in the financial sense, but rather in the spiritual sense (i.e. godly character.) The man of blessedness prospers first because he first seeks to operate in God’s will (for his will is for man to prosper.)

Verse 3 Summary

The blessed man is like a watered tree. He will bear much fruit since he is constantly in the Word hence prosperity follows.

Verse 4 Analysis

“Not so the wicked!..”

A continuation of verse 3 is seen here. The wicked shall not prosper like the blessed righteous. This word “wicked” is repeated 4 times in this psalm hence the psalter must be trying to describe the unrighteous with this key word. One may assume that not only are the wicked apart from God but are guilty of restless activity. They are out of touch with God. It is a contrast to verse 2. To illustrate,

the righteous, 1. Cling to God and 2. Love his word. Therefore he is stable and prospers. The wicked, on the other hand, 1. Forsakes God, and 2. Ignores the Word. Therefore he is judged.

They are like chaff..”

The wicked are summarized briefly in the simile with chaff. Chaff is “fine, dry material, such as husks and other debris, that is separated from the seed in the process of threshing grain. In the Bible, chaff symbolizes worthless, evil, or wicked persons that are about to be destroyed.”[13] Chaff describes both man and his destiny. “They are thought of as having become worthless in themselves, and their life as empty and without permanence, as long as they continue their present way of life.”[14]

“that the wind blows away.”

Chaff will blow away just as the worthless man. He is rendered useless. The focus then moves to a future judgement.

Verse 4 Summary

The ungodly man shall not prosper, as he will be rendered useless and worthless.

Verse 5 Analysis

“Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgement,”

This verse looks ahead to this future judgement. It elaborates on the wicked and therefore provides some answers. ‘The two lines of verse 5, in synonymous parallelism, reflect essentially the same thought, namely that the wicked hold no weight or influence in the important areas of human society.”[15] Judgement may be both the continual divine judgement and the end time judgement. The wicked hold no part in the resurrection because only the righteous will endure and remaining standing.



“nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.”

This is the parallel linked to the understanding of first part of verse 5. They both carry the same message.  The assembly is the worshipping community and later the new Messianic world.

Verse 5 Summary

As a result of God’s judgement, the unrighteous will be excluded from God’s eternal blessings which will be enjoyed by those who stand in relation to God.

Verse 6 Analysis

“For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,”

The word “watches” connotes the word “knows” which means more than informed. It’s in the protective sense-God’s care and love for man. It is the security of believers. The issue here is the basis of God’s judgement. The first half of this verse about the Lord watching over the Godly is antithetically parallel to the second half of the verse dealing with the way of the wicked perishing. “Way” makes one picture a path which is known by the Lord.

but the way of the wicked will perish.”

The way of the wicked is the “other path” which is fleshly and of man. “Perish” is used here as a road which comes to ruin. It is the road for the lost filled with hopelessness. “The doom of the wicked, as it is expressed in this psalm, is not primarily a punishment, any more than the happiness of the righteous is a reward. Each is presented as the natural outcome of a way of life which has been chosen.”[16]

Verse 6 Summary

The way of the wicked perishes but the Lord protects the righteous.


III.            Exegetical Outline

Exegetical Idea


Psalm 1 is about 2 ways of life- the righteous and the wicked. The key is the importance of God’s Word to life and the fruitfulness of the righteousness who delight in his Word. The way of the righteous produce everlasting life as opposed to the ways of the wicked which produce eternal doom.

Exegetical Outline

  1. The Godly man and his way of living (1:1-3)
    1. Negative things to avoid (1:1)

In order to experience blessedness, one must avoid wicked’s advice, sinners habits, and association with mockers


  1. Positive behavior- guide to blessedness (1:2)

The blessed man delights himself in constant, regular meditation of God’s Word


  1. Creation and motivation-consequences of blessings (1:3)

The blessed man is like watered tree. He will bear much fruit since he is constantly in the Word and will live a prosperous life as God wills.


  1. The Character and Destiny of the Wicked (1:4-6)


  1. What the wicked are like-instability (1:4)


The ungodly man shall not prosper as he will be rendered useless and worthless

  1. What the wicked cannot do-inability (1:5)


As a result of God’s judgement, the unrighteous will be excluded from God’s eternal blessings which will be enjoyed by those who stand with God.

  1. What the wicked will encounter- perishability (1:6)


The way of the wicked perishes but the Lord protects the righteous.


IV            .Homiletical Outline

Two Ways of Living-It’s A Choice


  1. First  choice- Live life in a godly way (1:1-3)


  1. Three things to avoid from the ungodly
    1. advice
    2. fellowship
    3. habits


  1. What is the key to a godly life as well as finding the meaning of life?
    1. finding enjoyment in God’s Word through

a. regular bible study

b. constant focus on God’s Laws and provisions


C.    The inevitable results of these positive behaviors
  1. fruitfulness
  2. endurance
  3. prosperity


  1. The Only Other Choice-The way of the wicked (1:4-6)


  1. What the unrighteous are like
    1. forsake God
    2. negative to God’s Word
    3. separate from the righteous
    4. worthless and useless


  1. What will happen to the wicked
    1. excluded from God’s eternal blessings (cast out)
    2. separated from the righteous in eternity


  1. God’s shield for the Godly and the lurking doom for the unrighteous
    1. The Lord will protect those who choose the first choice
    2. The damnation of the unrighteous is inevitable based on their choice










Anderson, A.A. The New Century Bible Commentary. Psalms 1-72, Marshall,

Morgan, and Scott, 1972.

Craigie, Peter. Word Biblical Commentary, Psalms 1-50, 1983.

Kidner, Derek. Psalms 1-72; An Introduction and Commentary, Tyndale Press,


Youngblood, Ronald F. Nelson’s Bible Dictionary, 1995

[1] Kidner, p, 47

[2] Craigie, p. 58

[3] Anderson, p. 58

[4] Anderson, p. 59


[5] Anderson, p. 59

[6] Craigie, p. 60

[7] Anderson, p. 60

[8] Ibid, p. 60

[9] Anderson, p. 60

[10] Craigie, p. 61

[11] Kidner, p. 48

[12] Anderson, p. 61


[13] Nelson’s Bible Dictionary, p. 254

[14] Anderson, p. 61

[15] Craigie, p. 61


[16] Craigie, p. 61

Who is the Holy Spirit

So then do not be foolish, but (35) understand what the will of the Lord is.

18   And (36) do not get drunk with wine, for that is (37) dissipation, but be (38) filled with the Spirit,

19   (39) speaking to one another in (40) psalms and (41) hymns and spiritual (42) songs, (43) singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord;

20   (44) always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to (45) God, even the Father;

(Eph 5:17-20)


When I went to TLC, Pastor Rene had a saying. “YBH”…Yes, but HOW?

An old gas boiler in house. Pilot light on all times, but boiler not always throwing off heat. Some have only got the pilot  light of HS in lives, but when filled with HS..can operate on all cylinders!
(Can you see the diff)…..WHO? (Discuss)


Before we can answer the question “How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?” we must know what the filling of the Spirit is. The filling of the Spirit = influence or control the Holy Spirit exercises over us when we yield ourselves to Him. The Spirit of God, who has given us new life and who has taken up residence within us, wants to fill our lives with His goodness and power. He wants us to let Him take control of our lives. Even so, He does not use His power as God to overwhelm us; rather, He fills us only as we submit to Him.


In this sense, then, being filled with the Spirit means that we have placed ourselves under His influence and control. We have yielded to Him, letting Him take over our lives.


We often speak of something that so fills a person’s mind that it strangely influences everything he thinks and does. For example, a person can be filled with:




















The Bible itself uses the word “filled” in the same way (see Luke 6:11; Acts 5:17; 13:45).


To be filled with something, therefore, means to be under its control. This truth is stated clearly regarding the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 5:18, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit.” Paul used this analogy because a person who becomes intoxicated with alcohol places himself under its influence or control. Similarly, a Christian who submits to the leading of the indwelling Holy Spirit puts himself under His influence or control. Both the person who consumes enough alcohol to become drunk and the Christian who yields to the Holy Spirit have placed themselves under the control of something or someone outside themselves.


On the Day of Pentecost, people who heard the apostles speak in languages they had never learned accused them of being drunk. Moreover, in the pagan ceremonies of Paul’s day, worshipers often got drunk to have a “religious experience.” The analogy, therefore, had some background in Paul’s thinking. And if you stop to think about it, a group of Spirit-filled Christians singing with great enthusiasm may have a superficial resemblance to a band of pagan worshipers, drunk with wine, singing praises to their gods.


A person who is

drunk with wine:


walks differently


talks differently


acts differently


thinks differently


feels differently



Alcohol’s control

results in

impaired judgment

A person who is

filled with the Spirit:


walks differently


talks differently


acts differently


thinks differently


feels differently



The Spirit’s control

results in

improved judgment


We are greatly influenced by whatever it is that “fills” us. If we are filled with anger, we will be influenced to such an extent that we will say and do things we may later regret. A person who is filled with anger against God may become so controlled by his hatred that he becomes irreverent, blasphemous, defiant, and rebellious toward everything.


To be filled with the Holy Spirit, then, is to be so influenced by, controlled by, or permeated by Him that we will reflect God’s moral character and be strengthened by His power. We will be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled–virtues that Paul referred to as “the fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22,23).


In Eph 5:18..Paul commands (only place it is commanded)

and every Christian–to be “filled with the Spirit” (5:18). This clause could be literally translated, “Let the Holy Spirit keep filling you,” or “Keep letting the Holy Spirit fill you.”

ANALOGY: Well, we know what it means to be filled with excitement or happiness. Excitement or happiness so permeates our thoughts and feelings that it dominates us. When a young woman first becomes engaged, she is often so excited and happy that it influences everything she does. (So too with the HS influencing your thoughts and feelings)


4 ways:
We must: (1) be Christ-centered, (2) be in the Word, (3) be submissive, and (4) be confident.


    1. Focal point of thoughts and decisions:
    2. (what does this look like) DISCUSS


  1. Be in the WORD
    1. Look at Eph 5:17..Be wise. Wisdom comes from the Word As noted earlier, Paul pointed out the close relationship between “knowing what the will of the Lord is” and being “filled with the Holy Spirit” when he wrote Ephesians 5:17,18.
    2. He made the same connection in Colossians 3:16, which says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”


  1.  The last part of this verse is almost identical to Ephesians 5:19,20 where Paul described the characteristics of a Spirit-filled Christian. In other words, letting the Word of Christ dwell in us richly is an essential in letting the Holy Spirit keep filling us.


  1. Be Submissive
    1. The third essential for a Spirit-filled life is to be submissive to God and His Word. Paul indicated this attitude of submission by the language he used when he wrote Ephesians 5:18. Translated literally, the latter part of this verse reads, “Keep letting the Holy Spirit fill you.” We must continuously allow the Holy Spirit to fill us. We can do this only when we possess a submissive attitude toward Him.
    2.  The analogy Paul used of being drunk with wine carries the idea of submission. Paul wrote, “And do not get drunk with wine . . . but keep letting the Holy Spirit fill you” (literal translation). A person who is drunk is under the influence of alcohol. If he is very drunk, he is under its control. A person who keeps letting the Holy Spirit fill him will consciously, continuously, and voluntarily place himself under God’s influence or control. No, he doesn’t lose self-control. In fact, he exercises far more self-control than a person who does not possess the Holy Spirit. When a Christian consciously, continuously, and voluntarily submits to God, he is freed from slavery to the sinful habits and drives that once controlled him.
    3. This attitude of submission is also present in Colossians 3:15–4:10, a passage that parallels Ephesians 5:18–6:9. When Paul told the believers in Colosse to place themselves under the rule of Christ’s peace, and to give the Word of Christ a dominant place in their lives (3:16), he was calling for a submissive attitude. You place yourself under God’s influence and control when you do these things. The result of letting the Holy Spirit keep filling you (Ephesians 5:18) and letting the peace of Christ and the Word of Christ have dominance in your life (Colossians 3:15,16) is the same: joy, mutual encouragement, praise, and gratitude.


  1. Be confident
    1. You’ve done your part. Don’t have a defeatist attitude
    2. Look at Romans 8 and memorize it! “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus . . . . For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit (Romans 8:14).”
    3.  This walking “in the Spirit” occurs when we are filled with the Spirit. It includes the four essentials we’ve just looked at in a blend of divine and human activity to overcome sin.


  1. 5.     GOT EVIDENCE??? Yes in the book of ACTS, tongues did occur, but all understood each other
    1. Some people say that the way you can know you are filled with the Holy Spirit is to speak in tongues or to just “feel it.” “who doesn’t speak in tongues is not Spirit-filled.?
    2. When Paul described the results of being filled with the Holy Spirit, however, he didn’t mention tongues-speaking or a tingling feeling. But he did mention “speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God” (Ephesians 5:19-21; cp. Colossians 3:16). He also listed nine fruit of the Spirit as evidence in Galatians 5:22,23.


  1. Four evidences:
    1. Joyful Fellowship (speaking to others in songs/hymns, encouragement..
    2. Heartfelt Praise. (v. 19)
    3. Abounding gratitude? Thanks for all things (Eph 5:20 )
    4. Reverent submission (v. 21..submitting to one another in the fear of God)
      1.                                                i.     Galatians..life of a spirit-filled person= 9 qualities (Gal 5:22)


  1. Myths
    1. We are commanded to be filled (some say it is not said)
    2. You need to seek a second blessing.” Followers of John Wesley, the Pentecostals, and the Charismatics believe that the filling of the Holy Spirit is a dramatic experience that takes place sometime after salvation. The Wesleyans prefer to speak of it as “entire sanctification,” viewing, it as a second work of grace in which the sin nature is removed and the Holy Spirit takes control. Pentecostals and Charismatics refer to it as a baptism of the Spirit, claiming that it is usually accompanied by speaking in tongues.


  1.  The problem with this view is that the New Testament never tells us to seek or anticipate a dramatic, post-salvation experience. We are justified the moment we believe (Romans 5:1). And we receive the new birth and the permanent, indwelling Spirit at the instant of salvation (1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Peter 1:22,23). True, we may have many wonderful experiences after salvation. And we may even have an encounter with the Lord that revolutionizes our way of life. But we have no biblical basis for expecting a second work of grace or a baptism of power that brings instant holiness. Rather, Paul called on us to “present [literally ‘keep presenting’] your bodies a living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1) and to “let the Holy Spirit keep filling you” (Ephesians 5:18)
  2. Baptism of the HS
    1. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the act of the Holy Spirit by which He places a person into the church, the body of Christ. The first “baptism of the Holy Spirit” took place in the upper room at Pentecost when the church began (Acts 2:1-13). Today it occurs the moment a person receives Jesus Christ as his Savior. Referring to this time when every believer is baptized by the Holy Spirit into the church, Paul wrote, “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (1 Corinthians 12:13).
    2. The baptism of the Holy Spirit was first announced by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33). And the Lord Jesus promised the baptism of the Holy Spirit before He ascended to heaven (Acts 1:4,5). That promise was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost, the  day the church was born (Acts 2:1-13,32,33). The disciples were baptized into the church in the upper room. When Peter preached later that day, some 3,000 people believed (Acts 2:41,42). Then we are told, “The Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (2:47).
    3. The book of Acts records three additional mini-Pentecosts. They took place with three different groups: the Samaritan believers, whose religion and ancestry were part Jewish (Acts 8:14-25); the Gentile family of Cornelius (10:44-48); and 12 people who had believed in Christ and received John’s baptism but knew nothing about what had happened at Pentecost (19:1-7). When Peter saw that the Holy Spirit had come upon the Gentiles, He remembered the Spirit-baptism promised by Christ. He wrote:
      1.                                                i.     Then I remembered the word of the Lord, how He said, “John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God? (Acts 11:16,17).
    4. By giving visible signs in these three instances, the Holy Spirit confirmed the fact that Jesus Christ was building His church. These signs were given during the transition from the Jewish beginnings of the church to the full inclusion of the Gentiles. When the transition was over, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was no longer accompanied by visible signs. When a person trusts Christ today, he is placed into the church, the body of Christ, that very moment. Paul wrote:
      1.                                                i.     For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body–whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free–and have all been made to drink into one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13).
      2.                                               ii.     The words translated “we were all baptized” speak of an action that took place in one instant of time. The baptism of the Spirit takes place at the moment of salvation, is not repeated, and is not to be sought after salvation. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, therefore, is the placing of the believer into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation.



As you think through the whole topic of being filled with the Holy Spirit, you may wonder where you are spiritually. Answering the following questions honestly will help you evaluate your relationship to the Holy Spirit:

▪         I have submitted to the Holy Spirit, asking Him to lead me.


▪         I am learning from the Bible through regular reading, study, and meditation.


▪         I am relying on the Holy Spirit to help me overcome my sinful desires.


▪         I enjoy getting together with God’s people for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer.


▪         People who know me think of me as a happy, joyous Christian.


▪         When trouble comes, I am at peace in my innermost being.


▪         When I become aware of sin in my life, I immediately confess it and ask God to help me to gain the victory.


▪         I am gentle in my relationships with other people and patient with God.


▪         I can point to certain times when the Holy Spirit has given me the power to perform a certain task or carry a heavy burden.


▪              I am growing in self-control.

