And I love it! This particular Sunday, we would attend the early service so we could go visit my honey’s mom.
The morning the usual antics occurred including dancing, singing, goofing around, and of course, Cooper-cuteness.
Tot and I decided to sing and dance to some Veggie Tales silly songs for no particular reason. Cooper just stared at us as usual. What is he thinking? I’m pretty sure he thinks we have lost are marbles. (it’s a common thought around the Hay house).

I had to clean up a bit outside, so Tatum comforted Coopy while I did this.

She’ll be in soon, puppy. It’s OK.

He waits by the door to wait for Daddy to come home too, so we often must comfort our needy little puppy.
After church, we went to Darlene’s new home out in Anthem. It’s a beautiful place, and they are taking such good care of her.

Tatum and I painted a birdhouse for her while Doug chatted with his mom.

What fun. It was a good start to a Sunday, but there is much more to come! Stay tuned!