As we all know, Tatum has an addiction. BOOKS. She LOVES to collect them and read them. She does have a tendency (like her mommy) to start a book and then start another one and another. (Never really finishing one). So……I figured this summer, I’d incentivize her to read and write me a summary of every books she finishes: $5 for small chapter books; $10 for larger ones.
She just finished two books.
Charlie and The Glass Elevator

Dreamkeeper’s Saga (a doozy! $10)
Now, this one, she worked at Luci’s with a Cake Pop. Now, this is not just ANY Cake Pop. This is a solid gold/take out a second mortgage, sell your car Cake Pop. Sheesh. Luci’s prices their bakery at exorbitant prices. But, hey…a treat, right!? And it’s YELLOW like WOODY.

and she finished!