This was a pivotal and momentous trip for the Hay family. You see, we have had to cancel almost every vacation we have planned in the last year since I have been barely functioning. It’s been a long road of illness and little hope. However, we did plan this trip, and come heck or high water, we were going to go!
Our dear friends, Susan and Jason own the most lovely home in Strawberry near Payson. We had been there earlier in the year, and it was a great opportunity to return.
This past week, on top of the health issues, I was battling some type of flu, so when I woke up on Wednesday, I just prayed for relief that day for travel. God gave me the stamina to pack and enjoy the lovely car ride.
With Rio and all our fixings we headed out about 1pm. While driving, I realized I forgot shoes. I wore my flippies in the car, and these would not last in the mountains, so we had to stop at Walmart! But first, on the way, we listened to many Adventures in Odyssey. We love that show as it teaches Biblical values wrapped up some some comedy and drama.
Fun reason to stop, eh? OK…we got there, and YAY! THE BEAUTY!

Daddy helped unpack us all and get all situated. I brought half my kitchen since we would be doing all the cooking.

And Tatum and I got all cuddled up on the couch. Nope, no snow, but it was chilly out.

We raided the closet and found….DUH DUH DUH…….
DOGOPOLY! How perfect!

We had two days, so this would probably last that long anyway.
We thought ahead, and I dry rubbed some pork loins, and Daddy grilled them out. OHHHHHH BOY, they were delicious!

With some blue sweet potatoes, salad and broccoli…YUMMMMMM! Oh, and the game of course.

We got to bed early so we could enjoy the next day. Daddy slept down with Tot in her room to give me some needed sleep. I WISH I COULD SAY IT HELPED!
BUT….the next day. FIRST..get that sunshine on your pupils! Sets the day off to a perfect start.
Ooooh, baby, it’s cold outside! We needed Wonder Woman powers to fight the breeze. Man!

A barking dog threatened to attack us on the way down the street, and Tatum got a bit scared. SO, Daddy and I finished the walk with a beautiful view.

OK, off to find some coffee at the little windmill place! ON the way, we saw so many elk. They have ZERO fear. In fact, they look at you as if you are in their space.

The idea of coffee in the cold sounded so good! We enjoyed the drive also as we saw all of the patriotism with TRUMP 2024 signs and flags flying high. OK, here we are! We let Tatum get an Oat Milk Cappuccino because, well, why not!?

We just love the quaintness of it all!

Now, off to some shopping in Pine! There are like 3 stores, and most everything is closed, but we did find our usual taffy at the antique store, and then our fav store! It’s run by Christians, and they give free Bibles. We found so many little finds in there. Daddy had us wait outside while he “finished up.”
SO..we did, and I stole a kiss from my favorite reindeer. He lights up the night! (like my Jesus)

While Tatum and I waited, the lady inside was so impressed with Tot, that she threw in a little gift for her. (Hanging around Santa!)

Later, we got back, and Tot read on the “itchy” chair. Cuter than it feels. A Norman Rockwell for sure!

More DOGOPOLY to finish the trip out. With leftovers, it ended a fine fun frolic much-needed vaca for the HAY’s. Tatum wished her $7545 would spend at Barnes and Noble! HEEHEE

On our way home, Friday morning, I basked in gratitude for my family, my new healing plan, and the new year coming.
AMEN. Thank you to Susan and Jason for allowing this to happen for us. XXOO