And it was glorious. No hotel. No fancy restaurant; just our palace (That is not a typo. I mean palace…which is our home!)
Doug spoiled me again. It all started with me dropping off the Tot to mom’s house. (Thank you, Mama!!)
When I returned,
I had a bit of a scavenger hunt to go on. First, I had a card waiting for me, and inside my first clue.

Here it is! He proposed to me with this picture/puzzle. Now it hangs in our room.

Then… to the 1 Thess. verse

Now where? I love us!

Now to a fav pic:

Then to the music maker:

I played a little ditty with my little friend below.

Finally, to a piece of white which I may work on one day.

And what did I find? Let’s look Coopy!

Oh, how fun!
Now, we sit and enjoy our champagne and some music. Then it’s time to make magic in the kitchen.
Ahem…xcuse me! That is right, some scallops, steak and salad. The honey BBQ’d outside while I made the goodies inside.

Another card? SRSLY!

He bought out the store apparently. I so loved it!
I set the table in our new dining room. Isn’t it delightful?

Coopy joins us on his place.
You look so handsome, my love.

We enjoyed fun questions, convo and laughing a bit.
Then, aaaaaafter the after dinner (wink wink), I got a snack and Coopy just waited.
He really wanted to play, but we had other plans tonight.

Oh, Coopy.

Thank you, Honey for making me feel so special. I love you so much and can’t wait for the rest of our lives.