Up at 6:30am, Tatum and I have been enjoying our Bible Study and learning a QT routine. (We are on day 5)

Today’s topic was Worship, and she enjoyed singing the song: God is SO GOOD!)

Here are some of the days’ entries: (Day 4, Day 5)

And, I tested her on the memory verse. She got it!
Luke 6:27-31

It came in with a roar, this new day. 1/1/22. We are so grateful, and we are ready for 2022!
In the meantime, I look forward to a new year because of all I learned this last year.
I would never have experienced true love. It takes conflict in some form to bring out the best or worst in someone. For our family, we grew immensely. You either became BITTER or BETTER through hard times. For me, my health took a downturn, and it forced our family to literally nest (and become BETTER!). I became unpredictable in my ability to plan things because I had so many gut issues that it was so hard to go places. This meant my family would suffer also because they would stay home with me. But what else did it mean? My family would spend a lot more time together. Good? Well, it was amazing because we spent so much time in prayer and focus on HIM> They would pray over me constantly, and my health would be a conduit to a closer relationship for all of us. (to God and to each other)
I also experienced the POWER of the Holy Spirit. I am tapping into His power more than ever; it’s changed me. I’ve learned how much I am loved and how I am truly HIS child. No more self deprecating thoughts. No more, putdowns to myself.
Finally, I’ve learned to be content with so little. Just the daily sunrise; the smell of our fresh flowers; the cloud formations; the meals to savor. So many LITTLE things I have taken for granted in the past. No more “future” living. No. I want to live in the present of HIS presence. Now that is a present for the NEW YEAR!
See my smile? This is now my new normal. Keep smiling, fighting, and living in love.