We love broccoli. Well, rephrase. I LOVE broccoli; I’m trying to get my kiddo to LOVE it too. However, I can get her to love the sprouts since they are so fun to DIY!
Both broccoli and broccoli sprouts are full of healing antioxidants, although broccoli sprouts has 50-100 times more healing properties than the big bundles of broccoli you might buy. What makes is so healthy? “Sulfurophane.” (it’s that odor you smell when you cook cruciferous veggies)
SO…for instance, 1 cup of broccoli sprouts equals 100 cups of broccoli due to the sulforaphane extraction found in the munched up sprouts we chew.
I’d rather get more bang for my buck with the sprouts, although I’ll still eat my little delicious trees! I do know that the sprouts help with digestion.
I bought the seeds, watched a video (thanks to my honey’s research), bought the venting lids, and ….

(oh I purchased other sprouts too….like radish, alfalfa, and clove. Who knew you could sprout so many veggies!
Ok, Tot…help. me out. My one-armed little one poured the water. (read another blog about the WHY behind the one-arm).

Three days later!!!

I am so excited. Daddy is excited too since a package of these at the store is about 5 bucks
They are done and ready to partake. MORE LATER
HEEHEE! Stay tuned for more sprouting stories.