OOH, how is the view from up there, Tot? For me, it’s awesome because I’m not carrying her or holding her hand as she dawdles! We are on our way to the Diamondbacks Spring Training game at Talking Stick! Now, driving only 3 miles to get there is one bonus. The other bonus was having Doug with us to keep her engaged.
When we first arrived, we found our seats and realized they were directly in the sun. Wooh! It may only about 85 degrees now, but with the sun beating down upon us, it felt more like 100! Plus, man that sun is wickedly terrible for Tot’s and my skin even with layers of SPF!So we made the best of it…
and then waited for the new pitcher, Greinke to pitch.
And also for Goldschmidt to hit a homer!!
After a good 6 minutes of baking, Tot was hungry! Luckily I packed 5 different snacks and figured I’d stagger them. BUT, after each little baggie, I’m still hungry, mommy.
Ok, first, let’s find a seat up higher out of the sun. Much better. Now where were we…oh yes, I’m still hungry, mommy.
Well, she had her freeze dried corn, apples, cheese stick, and freeze dried peas. Drink your water, Tatum. Hmm…not going for that.
So, kindly, Doug bought her a Gatorade. Now the Gatorades are about the size of her whole body, so how was I going to teach her about portion sizes. Well, taking it away from her after she drank half. Well, that was like stealing meat from a dog. Viciously difficult.
Back to the game, DB’s had hit 3 homers and the game was ON! We had found some shady seats up higher and were out of the sun, so our bodies were nice and happy. I stuck a Xylitol lolli in Tot’s mouth hoping to have that last a while.
Thankfully, Doug swept her away and took her to the mini-field where she could hit some t-balls and run bases. Meanwhile, I chatted with the elderly usher who kindly let us sit in the seats above.
When Doug and Tot returned, she was nice and pooped.
We headed out about the 8th inning, and called it an afternoon. As Doug said, “I call this 100% success!”