Spring Break Brekkie Adventure

It’s the LAST day of her Spring Break. We have some vacations coming up, so we decided to be a bit low key this break.

First, we wanted to bless Vera with a “we’re praying for you and your arm (she fell and had surgery).”

NOW…Why not go on a mini bike ride (since it’s BEEEEAUUUTIFUL outside!) to breakfast.

We headed to BUTTERS for our adventure. Tot would eat, and Daddy and I would have coffee. It was packed since EVERYONE is on break, but we didn’t mind. It was just nice to be!

Daddy even took the morning off to join!

At the table, silliness ensued. What else do you do while you wait for food?

Tell jokes and color, right? Or …TOT! smile at Daddy.

After our outing, we rode around our “ocean.”

AAAAHHHH McCormick living, and with my family! What more could I ask for.
