Sunday is usually our Football Day, and Tatum loves to sport the jersey. She’s always asking about the “little birdie” on her sleeves, and we remind her it’s the Cardinals. Great C word which I’ve added to her lessons of course. They had no Fitzgerald jerseys (the were $150..HELLO!), so she’s sporting a Peterson 21. He plays some thing like left field or goalie or safety or something ( haha)
Anyway, it was a winning day, so Doug offered to take her to the park to play some real sports! Real girls get real dirty, so I geared her up with her tennies and lots of Thieves spray
Golf was first, however, she did not realize this club was to be used as a club. Not a mallet or hockey stick or whacker. (sorry Doug)
At one point she saw a dog go by. “Squirrel!” moment. “Doggie! Hi doggie!” All was lost at this point.
Ok, Focus Tatum…there ya go.
No, don’t put the ball in; PUTT the ball in.
Ok, never mind. Hole in one!!
It was time to change courses. Baseball is much safer, right? Especially when your bat and ball are nerfy. Doug was safe when she bopped him on the head by accident and threw the ball at different parts of his body. (she apologized profusely!)
OK…time for bowling since how could anyone get hurt here? Nobody except a few ants, right?
Doug: Roll a strike! (Ahem..Doug? She doesn’t know what this means)
Tatum: throws the ball and hits two pins. Throws the other ball and hits two more. (key word: “throws”)Then whacks the rest with her hands.
Doug: I think that counts! STRIKE!
So, he slightly altered the rules for all three games, but she had a blast, had no major injuries; Doug kept all of his limbs, and me? I loved every minute of them enjoying each other.
This girl of mine? She’s shining every where she goes, and people notice. She’s a kind, silly, sweet as pie little child, and I love her so much.
Thank you Doug for making it a great Sporty day. Who needs the Cardinals when you can watch Tatum sport it up or at least find every dog in the park.