She prepared for the Spelling Bee from Eastside Explorers competition for months.
Practice practice practice. We put the words on Quizlet, and she went to town. DAILY.

Arrived! AND READY!

Well, it went so well until a wrong letter was uttered. I won’t even tell you the details. Only to say that she cried for hours after.
When we got in the car, I let her be sad (and kind of lash out). After she pulled herself together (and I told her stories of my failings all of my childhood…and that I never gave up despite losing), she admitted she was glad she did it and will try again. Hey, that is what makes the best batters! The more strikeouts, the more homers! It’s a numbers game.
Ok, so I asked her if she wanted to go to the bird store and get cheered up. We had talked about getting a cockatiel sometime actually.
It was love at first site.
OLLIE. He looked like an OLIVER!

Hi Buddy!

We will bring you home in 3 weeks when you are weaned.

She is learning that hard work pays off. Ollie will be a reminder of perseverance.
You can see her perseverance at the gym when she pushes that sled.

Stay tuned! I’m so proud of you, Bumby. SO PROUD.