Speechless and Grateful

Christmas unveils the deep giving spirit within all of us. This Christmas showed me that I am incredibly blessed by my family and especially Doug.

We had a chance to celebrate sans others and really spend some time together at his house. Doug always decorates so well, and he is such a phenomenal host. I mean he has the house all decorated and the outdoors is full of lights and sprinkley sparkles.

Well, I arrived early so we could chat, and he had the grill already to start grilling. He went to town on our choices! Tenderloin, shrimp and chilean sea bass. Yes, all of it for our little tummies.

Isn’t that pretty!?

And some of my favorite wine

The dinner was ready with a nice salad and some delicata squash I broiled.

We are ready now to open some gifteroonies!

We decided to multi task and open while we eat.

He wrapped every little gift with perfection, and me? I did not. I was a bit haphazard with mine. (My little folded creation is on the top) (eek!)

We did lots of little gifts (which he wrapped each and every one), and then the big one.

It was so funny because we both got each other a concert experience at the MIM (Musical Instrument Museum (SO FUN!) and he got me……are you ready for this…… A LAPTOP.

Yes, a new MacBook. Are you kidding me??

I was going to buy one next year out of my savings and now!?  My sweet guy.

I think the best part of the evening was just cooking together and laughing.  After three years, I continue to see the beauty of this man. I can’t way to see what 2018 holds. He incredibly blessed me; He is truly an angel in my life. I love you, Douglas Hay.