That is code for Daddy Daughter Time!
A few times a year, I go to various school districts to help prepare teachers for the PRAXIS test. GCU pays me quite nicely to do this. While I’m gone, it’s a win-win because Daddy and Tot hang out. I left a little gift bag full of goodies for Tot and a card for Daddy. New jammies always help!

Cooper wanted to go to space with Tatum.

And Daddy got a nice card. I wanted to tell him HOW MUCH I appreciate him and HOW MUCH I love him.

They had so much fun together! Daddy got her a little notepad so she could write. She hasn’t put it down because she loves what it says.

All things are possible like all of these clips!

Also, losing a tooth was very possible! She is up to 8 missing teeth now which means more tooth fairy action. Another $2 to the rescue!

Sadly, I had to miss her Christmas concert, but Daddy recorded it. She and Charlotte looked so cute.

Meanwhile, I taught my seminar at the district office where the rooms are named. This particular room was called the PeeDee room. Apparently there is a river in South Carolina named the PeeDee. Now, this is VERY funny to us educators because we all have to attend Professional Development meetings. We call them PD’s. HA! Get it?

Then, more excitement . On my way home from Columbia, I had to stop in Charlotte to switch planes to get back to Phx. They scheduled the flights pretty close together. Well, my flight was delayed, and I had only 15 minutes to get to my other flight. We landed at E43 and I had to get to B7. (ACROSS THE AIRPORT). Needless to say, I got there right when the door was closed, BUT I MADE IT! I haven’t run that fast in….well….um…NEVER!

When I got home, the house was decorated with lots of love.

And Coopy gave me lots of kisses. I gave him a squeaky duck and he was in squeak heaven.

OH, my family. I just love them so!!! When I leave, it makes me appreciate them ten times more. I’m so glad to be home.
Thank you, Daddy for being SO AMAZING while I was gone.