Sometimes Mommies need to have some fun. Twice in one weekend.

And this one did. With her honey Doug.

Doug hosted a Christmas party at his house for Christmas, and mom and I enjoyed every minute. He goes to extra measures to make sure everyone had a great time. When mom and I arrived, he had to snap our picture.

And then we got to get snapped! Pretty good lookin’ eh?

He had to get back to making the salsa from scratch. It only took him about two minutes to whip it up, the big stud!

The rest of the night was pure joy with all of our good friends.

The NEXT night was our concert to Esteban, the classical guitarist. I had purchased tickets for us to see him live.

He came to pick me up, and of course we needed to snap a pic. Tot joined in. 

We headed to the MIM just in time for Esteban. Each and every song was introduced by him with a small story. He was so gracious and kind, edifying his band and his daughter violinist. Wow! He was absolutely brilliant in his guitar playing.

He even came out and signed CD’s in between shows. What an honor!
Thank you, Doug for the treat of being my date these two nights in a row.

We are sure to go see Esteban again!