When I woke up on Mother’s Day, my sweet honey gave me a big squeeze and told me how much he loved me; great start to the day. Then, Coopy wanted a love rub to show his love.

Tatum told me to she had something in her room to begin my day. First, I couldn’t just walk in! She first had to fix her phonogram. Mrs. Finnman would be proud.


and a little drawing of Coopy telling me….

You two make being a mom the best!

This is only the beginning. We decided to go on a bike ride since it was overcast and cooler. We wanted to visit our swan friend and get a bagel. On the way, we saw the most magnificent bird. Luckily we had the Nikon. I thought it was a woodpecker; I looked him up and he was a Yellow-fronted woodpecker. Look how beautiful.

Lookin right at me!

After we got home, I visited my mom for a couple of hours. WHAT A BLESSING! With the quarantine, I haven’t spent any time with her. Tatum made her a card with only her fingerprints. First the front (from Snapfish)

What a great time. Ok, so when I got home, I received so many little treats. First, from Tot, a card.
Then from Coopy!

You wrote all this for me?

Aaaah…you’re the best!

Well, this was only the beginning. My honey spent the day doing physical labor to beautify our condo. Like….hanging blinds in our bedroom and cleaning it out. So kind.
Then, I had requested some time to play a game and grill out. I picked Pictionary because who doesn’t love to draw and read minds? Tot and Doug were a team, and Doug did not disappoint with his masterpieces.

Yes, just see this grand design of a weightlifter. The next Picasso.

They had so many gifts for me! I felt like a queen.

My favorite candle (from Hobby Lobby of course). Vanilla Orchid.

Because I love lists. Oh, and what will I write with? Kindness cards to boot. How fun! Coopy, are you enjoying this?

Finally some pretty things. You never get too old for pretty things! Tot and I are planning our mani/pedi time tomorrow. (after Math of course).

Now, what could possibly be the piece de resistance to our evening? Grilled Octopus from my honey.

Tatum prayed for the octopus and asked God to forgive us for eating one of His octo-creatures.

It was delicious. And….I felt blessed, honored, and loved. Thank you family for the best Mother’s Day ever.