Sleep ApME?a!

Yes, you heard me. Sleep Apnea.

I know I don’t wake up rested. I know I get at least 8 hours of sleep. Something is missing, but what!!??
I hired a company, Empower Sleep, to help me. This is a virtual sleep optimization company founded by 2 doctors. Apparently, approximately 70 million Americans are suffering from sleep disorders – most of whom are undiagnosed.

I met with someone for the first round, and they sent me a ring to track my sleep for 10 days.

This is Oura ring on steroids. It tracks so much deeper. Plus, it identified things my Oura ring missed. According to Oura, I have pretty decent sleep. According to them??

Sleep Quality and Pathology are in the pot!
Sleep Apnea!? ME!?

My stable sleep is 1%. Can’t get much lower.

I met with my team again to go over these results in depth. It just shows you, you can be in bed for 10 hours and still have crappy sleep.

This was such an eye opener. The next step was finding out how to fix it.

WELCOME TO CPAP….soon to be named CTRAP because that is what it feels like on your face. This is just the machine that sits by your bed. It’s part humidifier which is cool.

THE MASK…This lovely contraption

… is just…well just CONFINING. I must get used to it. The first night, somehow, the whole unit ended up on the floor, and the air being pumped into my nose was on overdrive. I just shut it off. FAIL.

Today, I ordered a NEW mask. I pray it is better fitting and more comfortable.

Stay tuned for results.

Please JESUS! I don’t care if I look like I’m an alien with a gas mask. I’ll take the sleep. AMEN!