Singing Sunday! Blessing others through Choir at SBC

She had to be at church at 6:45 am on Sunday morning so she could sing at all three services.

Four Songs. Pastel colors. Big smiles. Ready heart.

I ended up greeting sans Tot on Sunday (she was backstage), and boy did I get question?
Where’s the little one?; Where’s Tatum?; Missing your sidekick?…and on and on it went. I sure love talking to everyone though! So many wonderful new friends we have made just by greeting.

First song, there she is!

I Thank God

Then, Come Thou Fount with Above All Else

So beautiful and how animated she became!

Oh, dear…the next song. THE BLESSING…it always gets me, and it did Tot too!

(and daddy…we both wept)

The AMEN always makes me melt.

I reminded her how many people she’d be blessing; to get her eyes off herself when she felt tired! She heeded and really shined.

The last song:

King of Glory.

I”m so proud of you, Taties!

Later, swimming with Zoe.

What a wonderful day. Hay Happens that night was a celebration of LOVE and cultivating good habits. I love you family!