OH, the Tot. She has been through so much with her allergies and then feeling just yucky. She had to stay home from school one day last week, and this week? Three days.
What do you think she does when she is home?

She grabs a pile of books. This day, it was Bernstein Bears. She plows through them with laughter and joy. Guess who eats it up?

Coopy can’t get enough of her. He just wants to listen and be a part of her day.
It was a tough few days, but we got all caught up with her work.
One of her assignments was to write about what the flag means to her. HALLELUIA! I love this school. When the country is falling apart with this “fear”demic from the C-virus, and we are in the middle of an election to keep our president in office (Oh, please Lord. Keep Trump safe and healthy), she has this awesome assignment.

Tatum and I discussed this in-depth, so she is getting the RIGHT information about our amazing country. Let Freedom Ring!
And let Tot get better. Amen.