Shoes and Choo Choos

Size 1. Did you know there was such a thing? Thanks to Marla at Temple Chai, Tatum had a nice pair of tennies on yesterday. This definitely helps the stability factor when attempting to stand. The weather has dropped in Phoenix to the 70’s and this means brrrrrrr for us wimpies here. Tatum needed to be bundled up in the morning and her feet need coverings now too.

I have a 4-day weekend, and to celebrate, we walked over to the McCormick and Stillman Railroad park to ride the train! It was the first time Tatum has been in her stroller sans the infant seat too. Plus it was to be 80 degrees today!

The place was filled with strollers and kids of ALL ages; the park is one big momfest! I imagine her riding the carousel very soon since her eyes became like saucers when we entered the park.

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So, first time today for many things….shoes, stroller, and choo choo!

We ended the day at Starbucks for some refreshments.