Tatum wanted to carry this around today.

It’s been in her room since she was born, but she read it today and noticed it had many verses on it (Jer. 29:11) that we have memorized. She said, “Mommy, this cross is my big brother today. I’ll take good care of it.”
And she did.

It sat close by while she played with her Legos.

It was a day where she did need to be reminded of the incredible journey she is on. I had to remind her that it’s not all about “her” in this world, but it’s about who she can love MORE; who can she smile at today? Let’s keep our eyes focused upward and outward. Then, and only then, can we look inward to see where we can more be fully known.
It took root, because in the car, she discussed with me how if you do reject God, He’ll be there waiting for you. She reminded me that He never leaves us even when we mess up. I think she was reminded of her evening prior where she had a few mis-steps if you know what I mean. Holding this cross this morning, gave her comfort and reminded her of HIS love. The WHOLE drive to school was her discussion with me about HIS love, His forgiveness, and HIS sacrifice. Spoken like a mature Christian and she’s only 6. Just WOW.

I love your heart, Tater Tot.