She’s alive and back to her old Tatum self! Halleluia!
Today did not disappoint. We missed two days of her vacation since she had the stomach bug pretty bad. Saltines, squeezies, bubble water, and chicken soup get old reeeeeeally fast.
So, we headed to Trader Joe’s as usual, and she just wanted to help! People seem to be irresponsible with returning the carts, so she helped. Insisted, in fact.
I can do it, Mommy!

She gathered more than two at a time and…..

Pushed she did…with all of her might!

Her persistence is infectious. They just love her at Trader Joe’s. She’ll have a job there no problem in a few years.
Later, at Einstein’s she showed off the pin Daddy gave her yesterday.

We came home and worked on her clay grocery store present from her birthday. I love to buy her crafty gifts so we can do them together.

We made waffles and cereal. Perfect for breakfast. We’ll make more tomorrow.
It was so good to have her back.

Later, Cooper helped us!

Voila! Delicious food with my girl.

I love spending the day with her, even through the ups and downs. She keeps me on my toes, and we definitely work things out along the way. This is what I love about our relationship.
She has such a bright future as a leader in some way; I have no idea, but I do know God has big plans to use her life for HIs Glory. Matthew 5:16 is her life verse.
I was inspired today about the next drawing I will make. It is truly about what I see about Tatum and this verse: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!
Stay tuned!
I love you, Tot.
You tire us out, sweet girl!