When Tatum was almost three, she was hired at Trader Joe’s.

We have been going there for years now, and she continues to make friends every time we go.
Well, we also frequent Einstein’s next door. I get my coffee there, and I love the people. They apparently adore Tot (as does everyone who meets her). Every day we go there, she gives out stickers to patrons and to the staff. They now are commanded (ordered by the manager, Cindy) to make sure they give Tot a sticker every time she comes in. Cynthia, (one of the workers) gave her a Christmas present!

She also got a new name tag and is hired by Einstein’s too. She is going to be so busy!

It didn’t end there today. We had a coffee date with my dear friend, Susan, and she went off to meet people at the coffee house. Two ladies started talking to her and asked her about her new journal that Cynthia gave her.
She sat down and just started chatting away with them like she had known them forever.

They apparently wrote her a little note in her book.

They don’t even know Tatum and they identified her uniqueness, her preciousness, her charm, and her adoring personality. See, I am not biased!!!
Everywhere you go, Tatum, you spread joy and and sunshine. KEEP BEING YOU.