It bonds and holds FOREVER! No wonder Doug is enamored by his…..
The angels singing….

His cement mixer. It’s a mainstay in our backyard; the permanence of it is just like HIS love for us. It’s permanent. Everlasting.
Well, this mixer comes in handy when you want to make an outdoor kitchen. This was one of his creative ideas at our idea dinner.

And now it comes to fruition.

Guess who helped him out?

The TOT!
My honeys are working so hard out there. Doug’s creativity is fun to watch unfold.
Then the most important part.

Wait for it…

The cement, she meant, will be forever a part of our lives. It is a symbolic idea of the permanence of HIS love, the permanence of the HAY family and our love for each other.

Tatum made it so.
Thank you Hay family. Thank you HHH for making this a reality!