She may be small but she knows things

She knows enough to tell me that she felt terrible today. Even her “Artie Dootie Doo” shirt didn’t seem to help. Blah, mommy!

The prior evening, she woke me up countless times for various requests. “Mommy, the machine is too loud; mommy, my diffuser turned off; mommy, where is my baby; mommy, you forgot to do my nose; mommy”….NO!!!!!! (I would think). So after realizing she felt like a hot pocket, we spent the morning at the doctor. The waiting room was packed with coughing and sniffly kiddos. She told the nurse, “I’m drinking my water.” (cute!)

The nurse swabbed her nose, and when the doctor entered, he share that she tested positive for the flu. With a 102 degree temperature, I knew something was wrong. So….the gym was out of the question; the puppet show was  a no; play dates…nope. Plan B? MOVIES!

put on Veggie Tales Easter Carol for her, and it seemed to work for a bit. Her mood was not the same today, and all she wanted was to cuddle and read (which was wonderful) But….Poor Tot. 



She tried to crank out a smile, but no go.


There were many moments in the day, when she would cheerfully look at me and say, “I love you, mommy.” MELT. 

My child does know things, and she knows how to comfort herself when she feels awful. Baby!

Get well soon, sweetheart.