Raising Tatum is not just a physical job. Sure, spending time with her, doing things for her, interacting with her…all of this is vital. But there is another aspect that must not be overlooked. I must pray pray pray!
According to Mrs. Finnman (her 1st grade teacher) (and pretty much most people who meet Tatum), she has a BIG personality tucked into her little self. She is bold, spirited, strong, and incredibly smart. It’s a great blessing and an honor to raise her. It’s also hard. It takes effort to get her strongest traits directed to be used for good. If left on their own, atrophy takes place. They’ll become her biggest problems.
For example, she is very social, and in class, this can be a problem. She must be reminded that FIRST TIME ASKED = obedience. (Not when you feel like it after you talked to your friends).
She also is experiencing what it takes to be a friend and what hurt can feel like. At a time or two, she has been the instigator of a broken heart, and now she is realizing that you REAP what you SOW.
Just the other day, we went on a nature walk, and she pointed out the grass.
Mommy, see this grass? Spread bad seed, you’ll have bad grass and trees. Spread goodness and kindness and you’ll have a CROP of kind come back to you. Jesus would say this same thing. He often told his lessons using trees and nature to illustrate. She totally understands this.
She is learning and so am I. Patience, grace, and so much prayer to the Holy Spirit.

I LOVE her spirit and spunk. I love her heart too. She is QUICK to be aware of her mistake and make it right. Her issue is the impulse of doing it in the first place. Helping Tatum STOP, THINK, and PRAY is vital for teaching her self-control and making good choices. As it says:
LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE (You were created for a purpose!) which is your mission statement on your wall.

Sweet girl, I love you beyond measure. Here is what I pray for you daily. A verse is attached to each thing I desire for you.