She wanted it. She begged for it. I said, “You buy it!” Oh, she worked hard to raise the money too.
You see, this Nintendo Switch contraption captures our youth (and youth at heart) hearts. It’s a video game console which allows players to play basically most video games. Now, Tatum has never been a real “gamer” per se, but all of her friends play constantly, and she finds it fun to play as well. Mario seems to win out, and this I can relate to due to my addiction to Donkey Kong when I was her age. Now, I had to put the quarter in and wait for the music to cue. Then I had about 3 minutes of fun as I would stand at the monstrous video console. (at the local grocery store of course)!
It took her about three months, but she did it! She earned every penny! I refused to buy a NEW Switch, but then I remembered Swappa!

We found one in MINT condition after researching many of the listings.
This won!
And now? She has to earn a bit more for her first game, but I think I might help her! This way as a family, we can all play our first video game together. She promises me that it takes brains and strategy to play and that it’s not just mindless fun.
OK…I did tell her it’s all a “balance.” Play with REAL toys, read REAL books, and talk to REAL people. THEN, playing video games can be held in a nice balance of it all. She still LOVES to play and imagine; may that never change.
Stay tuned!