Yes, we share everything in this family! I didn’t think that we would share this throat ailment. Why? Because I’m usually Supergirl when it comes to Tatum’s illnesses. I get rundown, sure, but not the infections. So, when I started experiencing symptoms this week, I brushed it off and figured it was just a cold or me being overly tired.
Then, Saturday, at Winter Wonder, I knew that something was wrong, I tried to hold it together and act like all was fine, but honestly, my head was pounding and I was chilled. I did have a fever, and my neck was so sore when I got home. I figured I needed a massage or maybe I had slept funny.
Sunday, then, I woke up MISERABLE!! Like a Mack truck hit my body (actually my head and neck), and I had a high fever. (I haven’t had this kind of fever since college I think!).
Tatum insisted on coming with me to the Dr. I went right over to Urgent Care first thing. She didn’t want me to be alone so she joined me. Smart? Probably not, but it was nice to have some company. Of course, she worried about how she would get breakfast. I gave her an Chocolate Rx Bar and called it good. She didn’t call it good. I’m starving mommy!!! Get over it is all I could think. I was hoping she’d become my little nurse and take care of me all day. I had NO desire to be a mommy today! She did give me lots of TLC.
I even stopped by Krispy Kreme and got mom a donut. I decided to buy one for Tatum. Boy is she a lucky girl!! (actually, that bought me some time from her asking me for things).
When I got home after being diagnosed with Strep (my tonsils were touching they were so swollen!), I took a shower and felt a bit better. 1000mg of Tylenol didn’t hurt either. I decided to wear my Batgirl shirt and my Santa socks. That gave me superpower strength! How goofy I looked didn’t matter; I was pretty darn comfy!

I am so very grateful for antibiotics and the ability to heal! I thought I’d be able to avoid getting her Strep, but my sweet girl and I seem to share everything.
Thank you Jesus for rest on a Sunday.