My brother shared that the year 2020 would be a year of CLEAR vision. One of the presents I received for Christmas was this beautiful Nikon 7500 from my hubby. I have been wanting a camera for a while because I want to start taking pictures of birds. My cousin, Kasey, is a MASTER in birding. I only hope to be 1/100th this talented.
This camera takes such clear pics. Just take a peak at a few of my favorite subjects.

And of course, my honey. We went to dinner last night for a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Doesn’t he look amazing? I think the camera clearly captured our adoration for each other.

Tot popped in for a pic. She can’t handle being outside of the fun.

And one more of my honey.

What a great start to a new year. We shall savor every blessing. I love you, Family. I look forward to living with a clear vision with HIS help.