Being locked up in the house for nearly three and a half months can make one a bit itchy. We were itching to get out of dodge or Scottsdale! Sedona promised to be a bit cooler, and we love visiting Poco Diablo since they have a golf course right on the grounds.
We left on Thursday morning with our car all packed up. Thank goodness we are able to bring food! (saves loads of money)

Ok, Coopy-head, to Boulder Creek you go.

And to the Sedona suite! How appropriate. Oh, sweet guy. We’ll miss you.

That face.

We scaddadle out of there because it was hard to say goodbye. Off to our hike.
When we arrived in Red Rock country, it was SOOOOO busy. Instead of Oak Creek, we headed to another shorter hike closer to our hotel. It still was wonderful.

Huckaby. I love the name. (Mike Huckabee is a strong conservative Christian who ran for Pres a few years back).
Family pic:

It was pretty darn toasty out. Like 95! So, we only walked about .5 mile to and .5 mile back. Enough to get a few exciting views

and a visit from a snake. Yes, as I headed down the mountain, I noticed a slithery sound. There he was right next to me, and guess what? He lunged right at me! Little did I know he had a little mouse in his mouth, and he wanted to protect his lunch so he flew to the other side. Wish he would have warned me. I screamed for a moment. Exciting now, then, frightening.
Tatum found a walking stick and felt quite tall.

Want a pic, Tot? We finished! Oh, dear. I just want to go get lunch.

Ok, we were all ready for some cool lunch and some goodie.
We enjoyed a nice Subway lunch and then we notice Wendy’s next door.
Honey (Dugg…Phonetically, the cashier got it. Aye), ordered 3 Junior frosties. Yes, they make teensy Tot size, but honestly, that was enough.

We arrived at the hotel and immediately played a few holes. We were all a bit rusty, but we had some fun. Even had some straight shots…all of us.
Wildflower for dinner on the deck. Oh, the best is sitting outside and enjoying this view.

Hi honeyXOXO

Tot… she always has her antennae up.

After a stroll and eyeing the flying bats around the course, we enjoyed a show from Tot.

Day one. Success!