Every year, they have a school picnic, but this year it was postponed due to rain. Since it was moved to November, it was a bit more chilly! That didn’t stop the Tot from running around.

First stop: NOAH (and a HUGE icey fruity freezy thingy)

Oh, Hi Mrs. Denmark.

And a unicorn on her face. A winner!

Now, she is ready for SPIRIT WEEK!

She had it all logged in her journal:
Monday: Crazy sock day.

Now, I’m not sure how crazy doggies are, but this doggie is pretty crazy!

Tuesday: Decades Day; Gotta go with the 70’s!

As we drove away from home, look at the moon! Just wow!

It was also voting day, so she joined me at the polling place. Go Kari Lake for GOV!

Day 3? Character Day; Tatum is into Pikachu right now which is a Pokeman character.
Cooper guarded her shirt before the big day.

I love that she made most of her costume (the ears and the face).

Her BFF, Isabel, was also Pikachu!

Finally the last day was Patriot Day (the day before Veteran’s Day. Red White and Blue.

What a fun week! Tomorrow we celebrate our Veteran’s.