We are going to church as a family now! Doug and I get to hold our little bumby’s hand and be united HAYs. I love it.
Doug loves to take pictures of the food I make. Today, Tatum’s breakfast must have been extra cute. Almond maple butter toast with greek yogurt and sprinkles can’t be ugly.

Actually, she is extra adorable.

This Sunday we enjoyed making cookies while my honey went to trim the ironwood tree outside our McCormick home. It has to be kept up while we get it remodeled, and he LOVES to keep things going. It’s an outlet for him and a way for his creativity to shine.

Now, he tried to trim as much as possible; I think it got quite a haircut. Whatever it looks like, I know it felt good for him to man-it-up and use his tools.

And create this pile.

When he got home, I got to hug him and send him on his way to get clean for dinner.
I found an old camera in my stash of random bits of life; it’s the kind that holds film. So, it still works and takes pretend pics (without the film). The flash gave her this camera power, and she kept begging Daddy to smile.
Now, what’s a better way to end a Sunday than to practice our 60 verses with my delicious cookies?
This time I used toasted hazelnuts for a caaaaarazy twist. Anything to spoil my family.
We are mastering these verses to our memory. The key will be to be able to pull them out of our heart when we need HIM! I love this idea. Daddy, you’ll catch up. We love you!